WoW Off The Hook

I Used to play Lineage 1 till they closed. Now playing WoW and enjoying it very much.

Just when you get some place in a game and your used to Lineage 1, you think the same old thing will happen over and over again... I am so wrong, WoW is just so huge that it never stops being fun at all.

I will be adding a few authors to this site, and revamping some things soon.

Team work in WoW pays off, everyone wins. Questing as a team is so much better. Leveling with friends, guild folks or people you know is very good too.

It's been a blessing to me that L1 shut it's doors. I enjoy online gaming again.

Here is a clue to find something amazing!

My PvP Skills and Damage Are getting good!

Nice Bone Dragon Good Drop

One of the Many Many Events- All In good Fun :p

Need for speed!
Just When I thought End Game - It's just starting lol!
Until next time, with better stories, and more info, maybe with some new faces, and yes, you
might know them from before. Have a good one!

Look, I am posting again. :p . Just having a blast in WoW. There are a few folks from lineage that I play with on WoW, and were all starting to get to about the same levels, which means we can smash the harder things as a team now! Here are some more screen shoots. Will be changing some of the format to the blog soon, and maybe even adding some authors. Until next time.

I was happy about doing the KILLS & Damage!

Win Win Win!
This is from a battle ground (BG) that involves a Sky Gunship - so so so cool

Hello everyone!
Been a very long time since I posted anything here.
I like many others had  no choice but to stop playing Lineage 1. That is via NC-SOFT.
So I tried WoW again, and I gotta say I'm am having allot of fun.

There are some peeps from L1 on the same server, and I do think there having fun too.

I will be updating this blog very soon, geared towards WoW. Hope to be in touch with many
of you I have not spoken to in some time.

Add caption

Been trying to get used to this new blog interface.
So hang in there till I get it down.

Anyway-- Been jumping around maps to try and get
new spells for Ill/DK. I have only gotten 1, and that
was under water, and it was a DK spell, the Faf one.
I got my new Ill to level 40, and it's ok for now. I like to gather items for
the char's before going full speed into the grind.

As for my stats on DE - Listed above, thats with the KG rings from a few weeks ago.
I think I am at about 75% of level 56, and was hoping to level during event.

But... NC moved there servers yesterday, and can't log in. I'm not sure if it is a OS-X only
issue or not, but a lot of folks are stuck not able to get in. Sigh.....

 This is my new Ill -CubeMaster-

 Doppel Dropping more kind of..
 Was just looking for the crack, and
trying to get new spell drops.---

Lol this is my DE in the Knight Quest area.
It's still a bug that happens with random teleport
in MLC..... Jim the NPC Quest guy.

Well till next time.. Good luck ^^

Seems someone trying to nab some real cash from NC
Because they can't stop playing Lineage II. Play the video!

Here is a shirt that they sell in Philadelphia now after

someone ran out during a Phillies Baseball game and
got tasered from the police lol.

Seen on global that Justi was looking for someone from
Rings, gave him a wisp, and off we went to kill the Pho.
Catch the Dopp when I can, gives me something to do. QQ

And.. yes,,, yet 1 more level up.. Not sure if I will play mage now,
or what to do, server population has been so very low. Game is
getting real bad with amount of people on, and no sight of new
publish anytime soon. Might even take the next month off.
I think I expire on the 5th.. I will toss the idea around. Never thought
it would get to a point were I don't even want to log in at all...

Well good luck, will post soon again... Bye------

Dang Shame Folks even have to make posters like this…….

For all you who know me, you already know that I have been away from my home for almost 2yrs.

I am so glad to be home. I have revisited many bars, and finally got to see a movie on the big screen again.

Went to go see Iron Man 2, wasn't bad, just thought it would have a little more ping to it.

I have been playing Lineage on and off when I was away, and have been just working on Dark Elf, I don't seem to have the knack to levee mage right now.

There's a lot of talk about a server merge, I hope something happens soon, Dep & Ken are doing bad with numbers of folks logged in atany given time, and the economy is very bad. No one sells or buys hardly anything.

Im going to start bringing my camera out with me, and mix some Lineage and Real Life time on the blog.

Stop back soon, I will be updating a good amount of times, I don't have much else to right now.

Good luck in Life and in Game.

Im back home from a long hard trip and some hard work, will be updating very soon.

Protesters gathered outside a Chicago-area hotel Sunday as an Islamic extremist group reportedly linked to Al Qaeda held a conference in an attempt to step up Western recruitment efforts.

What the hell is going on in the USA. Most folks over looked this.....
The link to the story on Foxnews!

This is the link to the Islamic EXTREMIST GROUP WEB SITE!

Folks around USA were more worried about the death of
Michael Jackson!
Then what the hell the wrong kind of free speech is!

Please email everyone you know, and make sure, that they know about this, since it got
placed on the back burner right away.

Write you local GOV - and tell them this is wrong!

Im out for today ------ good luck all !